Why I am Starting (another) Blog

I already have my own portfolio website (https://xavierelon.com with another under development) and my own personal blog (https://wtfprogramming.io/) so why am I starting another? The main reason is i want to get better at writing. I know I am not good at writing so I hope to see my writing skills progress as the years go along. This blog will serve as a sort of a diary for a lot of the thoughts I have that I wish I could express easier. For my personal blog, it is too much effort currently to make a post. For every change I have to completely redeploy the entire site, I have to worry about Markdown, I have to worry about styling, I have to worry about my development environment when sometimes all I want to do is just simply write. I realized that while having my own custom designed blog is good for my development skills and portfolio it is too burdensome to maintain when I want to jot down some simple (or complex) thoughts I have that may not have anything to do with coding or technology. For that reason, I am starting this blog for all the thoughts I want to express that are not tech related while working on my writing skills.